Source code for ispyb.sqlalchemy

import configparser
import logging
import os
import time
import warnings

import sqlalchemy.engine
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

from ._auto_db_schema import *  # noqa F403; lgtm
from ._auto_db_schema import (

logger = logging.getLogger("ispyb.sqlalchemy")

AutoProcProgram.AutoProcProgramAttachments = relationship(
    "AutoProcProgramAttachment", back_populates="AutoProcProgram"
AutoProcScaling.AutoProcScalingStatistics = relationship(
    "AutoProcScalingStatistics", back_populates="AutoProcScaling"
ProcessingJob.ProcessingJobParameters = relationship(
    "ProcessingJobParameter", back_populates="ProcessingJob"
ProcessingJob.ProcessingJobImageSweeps = relationship(
    "ProcessingJobImageSweep", back_populates="ProcessingJob"
assert __schema_version__

[docs]def url(credentials=None) -> str: """Return an SQLAlchemy connection URL Args: credentials: a config file or a Python dictionary containing database credentials. If ``credentials=None`` then look for a credentials file in the ``ISPYB_CREDENTIALS`` environment variable. Example credentials file:: [ispyb_sqlalchemy] username = user password = password host = localhost port = 3306 database = ispyb_build Example credentials dictionary:: { "username": "user", "password": "password", "host": localhost", "port": 3306, "database": "ispyb", } Returns: A string containing the SQLAlchemy connection URL. """ if not credentials: credentials = os.getenv("ISPYB_CREDENTIALS") if not credentials: raise AttributeError("No credentials file specified") if not isinstance(credentials, dict): config = configparser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) if not raise AttributeError(f"No configuration found at {credentials}") credentials = dict(config.items("ispyb_sqlalchemy")) assert isinstance(credentials, dict) return ( "mysql+mysqlconnector://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}".format( **credentials, ) )
[docs]def session(credentials=None): """Create an SQLAlchemy session. .. warning:: This function is deprecated. Args: credentials: a config file or a Python dictionary containing database credentials. See function ``url()`` for details. Returns: The SQLAlchemy session. """ warnings.warn( "ispyb.sqlalchemy.session() will be deprecated soon. " "Please see the ISPyB SQLAlchemy documentation on how to use the ISPyB SQLAlchemy interface", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( url(credentials), connect_args={"use_pure": True}, ) return sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
[docs]def enable_debug_logging(): """Write debug level logging output for every executed SQL query. This setting will persist throughout the Python process lifetime and affect all existing and future sqlalchemy sessions. This should not be used in production as it can be expensive, can leak sensitive information, and, once enabled, cannot be disabled. """ if hasattr(enable_debug_logging, "enabled"): return enable_debug_logging.enabled = True _sqlalchemy_root = os.path.dirname(sqlalchemy.__file__) import traceback indent = " " @sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, "before_cursor_execute") def before_cursor_execute( conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany ):"query_start_time", []).append(time.perf_counter())"count", 0)["count"] += 1 cause = "" for frame, line in traceback.walk_stack(None): if frame.f_code.co_filename.startswith(_sqlalchemy_root): continue cause = f"\n{indent}originating from {frame.f_code.co_filename}:{line}" break if parameters: parameters = f"\n{indent}with parameters={parameters}" else: parameters = "" logger.debug( f"SQL query #{['count']}:\n" + indent + str(statement).replace("\n", "\n" + indent) + parameters + cause ) @sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(sqlalchemy.engine.Engine, "after_cursor_execute") def after_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany): total = time.perf_counter() -["query_start_time"].pop(-1) logger.debug(indent + f"SQL query #{['count']} took: {total} seconds")