Source code for ispyb

import configparser
import logging
import os
import warnings

__version__ = "10.1.0"

_log = logging.getLogger("ispyb")

[docs]def open(credentials=None, configuration_file=None): """Create an ISPyB connection. Args: credentials: a config file containing database credentials. If ``credentials=None`` then look for a credentials file in the "ISPYB_CREDENTIALS" environment variable. Example credentials file:: [ispyb_mariadb_sp] user = ispyb_api pw = password_1234 host = localhost port = 3306 db = ispybtest reconn_attempts = 6 reconn_delay = 1 Returns: The ISPyB connection object. """ if configuration_file: warnings.warn( "The parameter 'configuration_file' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Use positional arguments or 'credentials' instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) credentials = credentials or configuration_file or os.getenv("ISPYB_CREDENTIALS") if not credentials: raise AttributeError("No credentials file specified") config = configparser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) if not raise AttributeError(f"No configuration found at {credentials}") if config.has_section("ispyb_mariadb_sp"): from ispyb.connector.mysqlsp.main import ISPyBMySQLSPConnector as Connector _log.debug(f"Creating MariaDB Stored Procedure connection from {credentials}") credentials = dict(config.items("ispyb_mariadb_sp")) conn = Connector(**credentials) elif config.has_section("ispyb_ws"): from import ISPyBWSConnector as Connector _log.debug(f"Creating Webservices connection from {credentials}") credentials = dict(config.items("ispyb_ws")) conn = Connector(**credentials) else: raise AttributeError( f"No supported connection type found in {credentials}. For an example of a valid config file, please see config.example.cfg." ) return conn
[docs]class ISPyBException(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions"""
[docs]class ConnectionError(ISPyBException): """Unable to connect or connection has been closed."""
[docs]class NoResult(ISPyBException): """Query returned no result."""
[docs]class ReadWriteError(ISPyBException): """Record could not be read, inserted, updated or deleted. This could be due to illegal values, the wrong number of parameters, a violation of table or index constraints, a permissions error, or a database failure."""